The Effect of Expertise on Project Complexity


  • Isaac Kashiwagi, PhD Kashiwagi Solution Model, Inc., United States



Expert, Expertise, Complexity, ICT, Project Performance, Project Complexity Model, Project Complexity Factors


Project complexity has commonly been cited as a major cause of poor project performance (Al-ahmad et al, 2019). Although literature has identified various methods to measure and define project complexity, research insights did not find an explanation of how to reduce project complexity or its effect on project performance. Expertise has been identified as a potential solution; however, little is known about the extent of impact that expertise may have on project complexity. Using a multimethod approach inclusive of literature, survey and interview research we investigate the “effect’ of expertise on project complexity. We analyzed the effect of expertise on 22 unique project complexity factors. Data consists of 97 survey respondents and 15 interview participants. The research led to the following results which should be incorporated into future models: (1) expertise reduces project complexity, (2) experts do not perceive ICT projects as complex while nonexperts perceive ICT projects as complex, and (3) experts’ challenges that relate to project complexity factors correspond to project stakeholders as they ultimately fall outside the control of the expert.




How to Cite

Kashiwagi, I. (2020). The Effect of Expertise on Project Complexity. Journal for the Advancement of Performance Information and Value, 12(2), 99.